Managing Stress
by Jessica Nguyen 09/01/2019

Stress is something that many people today have adopted as a normal part of life. A stressful lifestyle can promote many diseases and other harmful things to your health. It may be normal for most, but it doesn't have to be a part of your everyday life.
Here are five ways you can manage stress in your life:
- Meditate. It's easy to become so caught up in the things we are doing or need to do, that we forget to be present where we are. Start by sitting or lying down in a quiet area. Close your eyes and breathe naturally without the urge to control your breath. Begin to focus on the rise and fall of your breath and release any negative thoughts you may have. Meditating for 15 minutes each day can help you to calm your mind and start each day mentally rested.
- Exercise. You don't have to join the local CrossFit gym to fit in a workout. Exercising could be simply going for a walk each afternoon to wind down from the day's activities or practicing yoga each morning before you get ready for work. Choose an activity that is enjoyable and gets your heart rate up.
- Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Food has a lot to do with the way your body reacts to stress. During a busy day, the last thing your body needs is another cup of coffee. Caffeine can cause you to become more stressed by giving you a temporary lift only to leave you down and agitated later. Replace your afternoon cup of caffeine with a cup of herbal tea. Also, fill your meals with fruits and vegetables rather than processed foods.
- Take a break. If there is something or someone who is continually triggering stress into your life, permit yourself to walk away for a while. For example: If you're overwhelmed with the pile of bills that needing payment, walk away and come back to the task when you're relaxed. Nothing works to our benefit when we're stressed out doing it.
- Share with someone. A lot of freedom can happen when we share how we're feeling with someone we trust. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed over a situation, pick up the phone and call a close friend. If you find yourself chronically stressed, consider seeing a professional counselor who can guide you through other methods of managing.
Stress takes so much out of us mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Take back your life by reducing your stress and focusing on your health.